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3 Biggest Lies I’ve Heard About Diabetes

3 Biggest Lies I’ve Heard About Diabetes

Diabetes is a hot topic, so it is no surprise that there is an earful of nonsense information that flies around.

I’m here to put three of the most popular myth to rest.


#1. You’re slim; ergo you’re diabetes-free.

As a skinny, tiny Asian girl, you can only imagine how often I hear that. The truth of the matter is that my health may not be that very well off. I’m squatted on my butt literally the entire day and can barely spell the word exerksize.

Weight is only one factor of risk and is not representative of your overall health. Some people can be overweight but are metabolically healthy. Talk about an oxymoron, huh?

#2. Stop eating sugar: you’ll get diabetes!

Poor sugar. After being trashed as the white poison, people are now accusing it of being the root cause of diabetes.

We need to give sugar less credit. Diabetes is a multifactorial disease, so it would be unfair to point the finger solely at sugar. Sugary sweets are often loaded with calories, which translate to weight issues and metabolic changes that can eventually lead to the disease.

So no, sugar does not cause diabetes, but it can play a role in the development of diabetes.

#3. Blood sugar looks great. Who needs pills?

Oh, boy. The number of people that stop taking pills because their blood sugar levels are within normal ranges is hard to swallow.

Listen up. The only reason your glycemia is optimal is thanks to the pills you are taking. Cutting them off from your regime will just boost your blood glucose back up.

I will say this. With age and lifestyle changes, there may be a need to adjust your insulin and medication. For instance, my grandma was told to stop taking her anti-hyperglycemic pills altogether. “Was she ever diabetic?” I wonder. Who knows.