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Top 3 Spices For Diabetics

Top 3 Spices For Diabetics

Spices add more to your life than just taste. What if the taste is bundled with a myriad of health benefits for diabetics? Well, spices never fail to amaze you. For hundreds of years, these plants have been serving your taste buds. Now is the time to reap their benefits for diabetes.

After a deep research, we have compiled a list of top 3 commonly used spices that work wonders for diabetes.

3 Spices Every Diabetic Should Take Daily

#1. Cinnamon

Most probably, cinnamon makes to more kitchens worldwide than any other spice. This powerful antioxidant is a rich source numerous healthy compounds. Notably, cinnamaldehyde, A-type procyanidin, and B-type procyanidin.

Cinnamon improves two common diabetes problems, high blood glucose levels and elevated fats in the blood.

Studies have shown taking it daily stimulates insulin secretion, blocks the activity of the enzyme that cleaves complex carbs, and promotes glucose transfer from the bloodstream to the cells. Importantly, studies suggest cinnamon’s insulin-stimulating effect may be twenty times that of other herbs and spices.

#2. Turmeric

Ever thought the yellow spice in your kitchen could be a savior for diabetics? Do you know what makes turmeric so special? It’s a chemical called curcumin. Scientists have found this active compound can keep prediabetics from type 2 diabetes.

Similar to cinnamon, turmeric promotes glucose uptake by the cells by stimulating glucose transfer to the cells. Also, it works to reduce cellular inflammation by increasing the levels of a key antioxidant called glutathione.


#3. Garlic

No doubt, there must be some Godly power in garlic that even vampires fear it. When you take it daily, diabetes will fear it too!

Allicin is the active compound that makes garlic a powerful anti-diabetic spice. Not only it lowers the blood glucose levels, it also clears unhealthy fats from the bloodstream. In addition, the garlic compound improves the functions of your liver and kidney. As a matter of fact, diabetes, especially that with uncontrolled blood glucose levels, wreaks havoc on the functions of these major organs.


While taking these spices from your diet is quite unlikely to cause complications, the same cannot be said for the supplements. Thus, always talk to your doctor before taking any supplement.


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. URL Link. Retrieved 13 August, 2017.

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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. URL Link. Retrieved 13 August, 2017.

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Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. URL Link. Retrieved 13 August, 2017.

Food and Chemical Toxicology. URL Link. Retrieved 13 August, 2017.