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These 6 Foods Are Guaranteed to Lower Your Blood Sugar.

These 6 Foods Are Guaranteed to Lower Your Blood Sugar.

No one is asking you to give up meat. But if you would like to get a handle on your diabetes, and better manage your blood sugar try increasing the amounts of whole foods, and fruits and vegetables you consume.

Plant-based foods are a rich source of fiber. Fiber helps to temper the release of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing the spikes that refined sugar and processed foods can cause. So, to take care of your blood sugar levels you need to consume foods that are high in fiber as opposed to those that are low in fiber.

The following five foods are essential for diabetics who are determined to do everything they possibly can to lower their blood sugar.

1. Leafy greens

Kale, spinach, romaine, collards, turnip greens, all lettuces, Swiss chard, dandelion greens are all rich with magnesium and are excellent for controlling blood sugar. Make sure to consume a few servings of greens during the day. They also make for an excellent addition to smoothies.

2. Seeds

Seeds are nutritional giants! Chia, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, and sesame seeds are rich suppliers of minerals and vitamins. Seeds are also packed with magnesium and fiber and protein and which means they are excellent at helping you manage your blood sugar.  A  few tablespoons added to meals is all you need. They are also a delicious addition when added to smoothies. Or just snack on them on their own. They are delicious no matter how you eat them.


3. Cacao

It is one of the most abundant sources of magnesium in any food, the cacao bean is also a rich source of iron and fiber and proteins that contribute to better controlling your blood sugar. Cacao also contains chromium, a mineral that helps to lower your blood sugar.  All you need is a couple of ounces to experience the bean’s positive effects.  Mix them into salads or smoothies, you’ll notice an improvement with your blood sugar issues almost immediately.

4. Almonds

When it comes to nuts, the almond is saving grace for diabetes. Loaded with more magnesium than any other nut, almonds also contain chromium. So instead of reaching for a cookie or potato chips, the next time you reach for a snack, why not grab a handful almonds. That’s all you need to better support your blood sugar.

5. Whole Grains

Another source of blood-sugar, stabilizing magnesium are whole grains like oats, wheat germ, wild rice, and millet. Add them to oatmeal or cereal in the morning to start your day off on the right foot.

6. Cinnamon

Sprinkle a little of this spice into your food and drinks. It is packed with chromium and is a highly recommended for diabetics.