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Smoking Cessation Tips for Diabetics

Smoking Cessation Tips for Diabetics

Smoking increases insulin resistance which contributes to the development of Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, smoking cessation also increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes because you gain weight when you quit smoking. Nicotine, you should know, is an appetite suppressant, so when you take it away, you increase the frequency of your hunger pangs.

But if you want to prevent complications associated with smoking, especially to diabetes, then you really need to quit this nasty habit.

Here are some smoking cessation tips for diabetics.

Know Your Purpose and Commit to It

Why do you want to quit smoking? To avoid its complications and prevent it from worsening your diabetes, right?

Then write it down. Write all the reasons why smoking cessation is important to you, your health, and your family. In moments of weakness, get your list out to remind and motivate yourself.

Set a Date to Quit

It’s hard to quit smoking. Many have fallen off the wagon and went back to smoking after a time. For this reason, you need to mentally and physically prepare yourself, and one way of doing this is by setting a quit date and knowing that when that day arrives, you will finally throw away all your cigarettes.

It would be helpful, too, to involve other people (your doctor, your family, your close friends) in your efforts. They will lend you support throughout your ordeal (because it will be an ordeal!) and give you strong shoulders to lean on when you feel like quitting and giving in to smoking. They will cheer you on till you achieve your goal.

Avoid Reminders

In addition to throwing away your cigarettes, you also have to throw away things that remind you of smoking. So get rid of your lighters and ashtrays. Don’t keep “emergency stashes” of cigarettes just in case the craving is really, really bad.

Instead, start storing slices of fruits and veggies for you to munch on when the cravings become really unbearable. These healthy snacks can help keep your mind off nicotine.

If the craving is pretty bad, you can also take your mind off it by exercising. Go on a jog around your neighborhood, hit the treadmill, go for a swim, walk your dog. Physical activities can distract you from your cravings.

Smoking cessation is hard, but with determination, you will soon achieve success.

Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. URL Link. October 17, 2017.