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Seven Signs that You Might Be Diabetic

Seven Signs that You Might Be Diabetic

So, your mouth seems to feel perpetually dry. and you can’t seem to drink enough water to satiate your thirst.  Well, did you know that it might be a sign that you’re are diabetic? Here are seven signs that you may indicate that you are suffering from the disease.

So, if you are presenting any of these symptoms, it is important to make an appointment with your family physician.

Feeling thirsty

Your brain cells need a steady supply of glucose, but when your head is swimming in an overly concentrated brine of sugary water, it summons water from the other cells inyour body, resulting in chronic thirst.

Frequent urination

Okay, it makes sense, you’re drinking bucketfuls of water, naturally, you’ll be heading to the bathroom. Your kidneys, like your brain, become overwhelmed by the excess sugar, and as a consequence draw in extra water which fills your bladder and makes you need to urinate more frequently.


If you feel run down it’s because glucose may not be reaching your cells. Not only does the lack of glucose result in fatigue, it can also leave you with a sensation of feeling perpetually hungry.

Numbness in the hands or feet

Also known as neuropathy, the numbness occurs  because your bloodstream is overwhelmed with sugar which feels like acid to your nerves.  The result is numbness, itching, and tingling that can affect the feet and hands.

Skin problems

Patches of dark skin in the creases of the skin, usually around the armpit, knuckles and groin that looks either like velvety or bumpy dirt is a sign that your body is producing too much insulin due to excessive blood glucose.


Skin infections and wounds  often heal slowly when a person has type 2 diabetes. Such infections can turn to gangrene and result in amputations.

Weight loss

Because blood sugar energy is no longer being moved effectively into cells you may feel hungry and eat all day. However, you may lose weight simultaneously. The weight loss occurs because muscle mass is shrinking.

So, if you are presenting any of these symptoms, it is important to make an appointment with your family physician.