Home Diet & Recipes Mindful Eating – 5 Reasons This Could Change the Way You Manage Diabetes for the Better

Mindful Eating – 5 Reasons This Could Change the Way You Manage Diabetes for the Better

Mindful Eating – 5 Reasons This Could Change the Way You Manage Diabetes for the Better

Have you heard about mindful eating? Mindful eating is all about paying attention when you eat as opposed to mindlessly snacking or wolfing down your food.

While it seems like it’s impossible to sit down and enjoy a meal without rushing through it with the way the world works today, finding ways to implement this mindful approach may be best for your health.

Here are five reasons mindful eating could help you better manage your diabetes.

#1. You Pay Attention to What you Eat

Part of mindful eating is enjoying your food and thinking about how it’s nourishing your body. You stop to reflect on whether or not the food is doing any good for your health or is it going to cause further health complications.

By taking the time to think about this, you are more likely to make healthier dietary choices.

#2. You Allow Your Body Time to Digest

Did you know that digestion begins in the mouth? By practicing mindful eating, you are allowing your body to catch up to where it needs to be digested wise.

When you have diabetes, it’s important to do everything you can to assist your body in digesting and absorbing whatever goes into your body. Diabetes can cause you to become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, so your body has a better chance of digestion and absorption by properly chewing your food!

Once you start to actually chew your food, you will wonder how you ever went through a meal nearly swallowing food whole before.

#3. You Determine if You’re Actually Hungry

When you mindfully eat you allow yourself to stop and think about if you’re really hungry or not.

For many, eating may be done compulsively. You may be bored or just craving some sugar, so you mindlessly eat. However, mindful eating allows you to stop and think about whether you are truly hungry or just want to nibble.

This could help you make better dietary choices and may even help with weight loss.

#4. You Don’t Overeat

Practicing mindful eating also helps you learn how to eat until satisfied but not overly full.

This can be an excellent way to manage food intake and prevent overeating.


#5. You Determine How Food Makes You Feel

Not all food makes you feel the same. Think about it, when you eat a heavy carbohydrate meal, you are more likely to feel sluggish and tired than if you eat something full of healthy fats and protein.

Mindful eating forces you to look at how foods make you feel to help you better decide which food options are best for you

Try implementing these mindful eating tips into your life. Just a few small changes can make a big difference in your overall health, and mindful eating is an excellent place to start.


Zen Habits. URL Link Accessed February 10, 2017

Today’s Dietitian. URL Link Accessed February 10, 2017