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The Importance of Kidney Care When You Are Diabetic

The Importance of Kidney Care When You Are Diabetic

Because of high blood sugar levels, diabetics are more at risk of developing serious illnesses. Oftentimes, diabetes can cause kidney failure, too. In fact, close to 30 percent of type 1 diabetics will suffer from kidney failure. For people with type 2 diabetes, kidney failure occurs in up to 40 percent of cases.

What Diabetes Does to Your Kidneys

Heightened blood glucose levels will eventually damage your blood vessels. Because diabetes affects your whole body, no part of it is safe. The vessels in your kidneys are thus also at risk, which renders this vital organ unable to perform its main function. And when your kidneys can’t work properly, your body retains excess water and salt, which then leads to further problems.

The bladder is another major part of your urinary tract. That’s where your body stores excess water to empty it later using a network of nerves. But high blood sugar levels cause permanent damage to your nerves, too. As such, instead of releasing it, your bladder will retain the urine. The bacteria in the urine will multiply, leading to potential infections.

Also, as your bladder retains more urine, it will expand. At one point, it becomes so large that it starts pressing onto your kidneys. If this goes on for some time, the pressure can cause serious damage to your kidneys. So, as you can see, there are several ways how diabetes can cause kidney failure.

Preventive Measures

While diabetes can cause kidney failure in one third of patients, there are things you can do prevent this. For one, keeping your blood sugar at optimum levels is crucial to managing the symptoms of the disease. You also need to cut out all bad habits, like smoking, that can disrupt your blood flow.

Because all types of diabetes put you at risk of renal failure, you need to monitor your kidneys, too. Regular kidney screenings are a must for diabetics. If you detect the problems early, you’ll have a better chance of reducing its negative effects.

Also, drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen prescribed to people with diabetes can cause kidney failure if you use them too often. To stay on the safe side, talk to your doctor about your medications. By keeping your health in control, you’ll reduce the risk of developing further health complications.