Home Diet & Recipes Here’s Why Eating More May Help You Lose Weight & Balance Your Blood Sugar

Here’s Why Eating More May Help You Lose Weight & Balance Your Blood Sugar

Here’s Why Eating More May Help You Lose Weight & Balance Your Blood Sugar

While eating more may sound counter intuitive when you are trying to lose weight, it turns out that eating smaller, frequent meals not only helps assist with weight loss but with managing your blood sugar levels as well!

Think about it this way. If you ate three large meals per day, you are likely to be struck with hunger pangs in the middle of the day, right? That’s when snack time comes in which is often filled with sugary delights to give you that instant energy boost you are looking for.

Those sugar snacks turn into a vicious cycle. They throw your blood sugar levels out of whack while also packing on the pounds.

So, here’s why eating smaller, frequent meals throughout the day is the answer to the weight loss and blood sugar equation!

Why Smaller, More Frequent Meals Result in Weight Loss

shutterstock_249237043First, we need to talk about serving sizes. The servings we consume today are nothing like the amount of food we should be consuming or even close to what our bodies are designed to handle and digest.

Serving sizes have become exponentially larger over the past decade, and it’s wreaking havoc on our health.

When you have diabetes, it’s not only important to balance your blood sugar levels, but balancing a healthy weight is also important.

This is why getting smaller but more frequent meals into your diet works.

When you consume 4-5 relatively small meals during the day, you will never be hungry, but you will also never be overly full either!

This allows for optimal digestion and blood sugar balance as well as keeping your body slim. 

What You Should be Eating

shutterstock_344197790So what does a small meal look like? While 4-5 meals may sound like a daunting task, a “meal” can be something as small as a cup of unsweetened Greek yogurt with some fresh berries.

It’s about getting small or even mini-meals into your day that are balanced with a healthy dose of fat, protein, complex carbohydrates, and some fiber.

Here is a one-day meal plan of what you could be eating to control your blood sugar and better manage your weight:

Meal #1: ½ cup of gluten free rolled oats with flaxseeds, blueberries, and almond butter.

Meal #2: 1 cup of unsweetened Greek yogurt with chia seeds and ½ cup of raspberries.

Meal #3: Turkey burger on ½ of a gluten-free bun topped with sliced avocado, lettuce, onion, and tahini.

Meal #4: Handful of almonds with 1 ounce of cheese and 4 gluten-free seed-based crackers.

Meal #5: 1 wild-caught salmon filet with asparagus.

Keep in mind that you will need to account for your carbohydrate needs when designing your own meal plan. One size does not fit all, guys.

As you can see, this is a super well-balanced and well-rounded meal plan that keeps you full and your blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day.

Strive to eat every three hours or so to prevent blood sugar levels from dropping.