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Healthcare Amendment Changes Insurance for Diabetics

Healthcare Amendment Changes Insurance for Diabetics

For diabetics and many others with pre-existing health conditions, having affordable and reliable health insurance is incredibly important. Knowing you are protected can allow you to estimate your annual health care costs and budget for them, in addition to having the peace of mind that comes from having insurance in case of an accident or emergency.

Recently, there have been changes to the health insurance amendment as the American Health Care Act has been approved by Republicans in the House. This includes eliminating the clause that protected people with pre-existing conditions from being denied health insurance coverage.

Additional changes

Changes to the bill may allow individual states to go back to their health insurance systems that existed before ObamaCare was introduced. However, dismantling that health insurance structure will be difficult, as it could leave millions of Americans without affordable health insurance.

The amendment will cut funding for Medicaid, which will leave people who depend on that health insurance subsidy in a difficult position to receive the health care they need. Less financial aid will be available for people who need additional assistance in order to afford a basic level of health insurance.

The health care law wouldn’t protect people with medical conditions from being charged more by insurance companies for their health insurance policy; the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, made sure insurance agencies couldn’t charge people with pre-existing conditions more for their coverage.

Diabetes and health insurance

For people with a chronic condition like diabetes, health insurance premiums could double under the new law. This is without any extra health complications brought on by the disease. People with pre-existing medical conditions are already looking for health insurance policies they can afford that cover their levels of health care need. This new healthcare law could change the number of care people can afford; if people can’t afford the health insurance they need, they may not buy it at all.


CNN. Accessed May 7, 2017.