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Focus on These 4 Areas of Your Life to Tame Diabetes

Focus on These 4 Areas of Your Life to Tame Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the result of many years of poor lifestyle choices. Too many indulgent meals, movie marathons, and stress have led most of the industrialized nature into a diabetic trance.

Well, according to Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, a doctor on the British show Doctor in the House, says that all of this can be reversed by focusing on just four areas of your life.

#1 Food

First and foremost is the absolute necessity to cut out highly processed junk food. Refined carbohydrates are the worst offenders. Unfortunately, they can be found in virtually any commercialized food product. Cereals, granolas, bread, and even “healthy” snacks are just a chemical conglomerate of refined carbohydrates.

Instead, eat plenty of fresh foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods will turn your life around within weeks. Looking for a general rule to guide your eating habits? Look for food that our ancestors would eat. Any food that comes directly from the Earth is fair game.

#2 Movement

Many people think that rigorous exercise is the only way to superb health, so they just avoid it completely. But that’s not true! All you really need to make a difference is a calm 30-minute walk after dinner. That’s it! Just by getting your blood flowing and your heart pumping, you will be cleaning yourself up from the inside-out.

#3 Stress

Stress is a serious offender against optimal health. When we are stressed, our bodies have a hard time functioning as they were intended. For diabetics, this can interfere with insulin metabolism. Unfortunately, stress is absolutely everywhere. Traffic, bills, unfriendly neighbors and even a pile of dishes can cause our brains to go into stress mode. Either reduce your incoming stress or carve out an hour a day to meditate or relax to reduce your stress levels.

#4 Sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause insulin resistance so don’t let sleep fall to the wayside. Unfortunately, our western habits lead us to very poor sleep habits before we even hit the hay! To help yourself get better sleep, give yourself an electronic-free hour before bed. The light emitted from electronics confuses the brain, so it has a harder time falling and staying asleep.

Try reading a book, coloring, or giving yourself a facial, instead. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as the electronics are eliminated and it is relaxing.


BBC. URL Link. Retrieved June 28, 2017.