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Is “Earthing” a Useful Practice for Diabetes?

Is “Earthing” a Useful Practice for Diabetes?

Does a patch of grass hold healing power?

Earthing (also called grounding) is a term used to describe the practice of getting in touch with nature. While this term has been used in an abstract sense, earthing suggests a more literal approach. Grass, sand, rocks—whatever the case may be, get your bare skin in contact with an earthen surface and watch healing occur. Is this a legitimate tool for better health, or yet another trend in a litany of natural remedies?

The Case for Earthing

Very little scientific study has gone into earthing and its effects on the body. Of those that have been conducted, however, the evidence is compelling: test subjects reported dramatic increases in sleep quality, ease of mind, and overall mental and physical health after consistent earthing.

Earthing is not supposed to replace or upstage any medication or regimens someone is currently on, but is instead supposed to act as a source of support for your body’s immune system, nervous system, and general mental health.

The Case Against

The greatest argument against earthing as a viable form of healing is the lack of studies with large groups from numerous backgrounds, and long-term evidence, analysis, and results. This practice is not considered a form of therapy, does not have any educators or practitioners, and is wholly a lifestyle decision without resources such as insurance to pay for earthing clothing, mats, mattresses, or other items designed to achieve the same effect.

Earthing and Diabetes

Were earthing an effective form of healing, diabetics could benefit tremendously from the practice. Reduced inflammation, reduced blood pressure, and reduced heart rate are all important for men and women with diabetes, as all of these conditions can worsen diabetes or eventually morph into heart disease. If a therapy as simple as placing your skin in contact with the earth for 20-30 minutes could help, it would be a monumental step forward for men and women living with diabetes.

The Verdict

Very little evidence has been gathered regarding earthing, but countless evidence has emerged regarding the importance of nature. Study after study yield the same results: looking at trees, animals, and other elements of the natural world has the ability to speed healing, increase pain tolerance, and improves your mood. Getting out into nature has an incredible effect, and can do wonders for your mood, general health, and longevity. The exact science of earthing and its potential benefits have not been thoroughly researched, but the verdict is in : get outside and get back into nature.


APA. Accessed 10/18/17.

NCBI. Accessed 10/18/17.