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How Diabetics Can Ward Off Heart Disease

How Diabetics Can Ward Off Heart Disease

Heart disease and diabetes are linked. Although you do not have to have one to contract the other, the two often coexist. That isn’t to say having diabetes means an automatic fast track to having heart disease; taking good care of your body can not only improve your diabetic condition but also keep heart disease away and prolong your life.

The Causes of Heart Disease

Heart disease has a myriad of causes, many of them intersecting with diabetes. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, inflammation, and high cholesterol are all symptoms that coincide with both diabetes and heart disease. These symptoms provide lower quality of life as well as disease and increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes complications.

Heart disease has an element of genetics to it, as does diabetes. Both also have a significant dietary and lifestyle component, with sedentary lifestyles and high-sugar, high-fat diets lending a tremendous hand to chronic disease.

Warding Off Heart Disease

An overall healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to avoid heart disease. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet helps your body function properly, processing all of your food’s nutrients effectively. Exercising regularly also keeps your body in good working condition, as it helps tone and strengthens all of your body’s systems. Finally, maintaining your stress levels low will help prevent nasty diseases from attack you. Stress causes a lot of damage to your body, and increases inflammation, which can make existing problems worse.

As a diabetic, warding off heart disease involves monitoring your condition closely and controlling your blood sugar levels. Being active and eating well are also pivotal components of fending against heart disease. Having your cholesterol tested regularly can give you an idea of how well you have adhered to healthy eating habits and provide insight into areas of your diet in need of improvement.

A Final Word

Diabetes is a significant risk factor in developing heart disease and contributes quite a bit to its onset. With diligence and a strong devotion to your health, heart disease does not have to play a role in your life but can take a backseat or can be avoided altogether.

The importance of eating well, keeping stress low, and exercising daily cannot be understated. While some slipups may seem to be small, a lifetime of eating poorly, failing to exercise, or allowing stress to control your life will add up quickly.


NIH. Accessed 8/25/17.

American Heart Association. Accessed 8/25/17.