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Diabetes Self-Care – Applying the 80/20 Rule To Your Life

Diabetes Self-Care – Applying the 80/20 Rule To Your Life

This rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, states that 80% of results come from 20% of your actions. Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto, the Italian economist who came up with the principle, noticed that about 80% of economic production comes from about 20% of companies. There were a few other observations he made, all of which led him to make this statement.

Of course, the 80/20 rule was originally applied to business and economics. However, it has become a universal rule for all areas of productivity and growth. It’s not always about exact numbers either. Pareto basically said that a large portion of your ‘results’ in any area come from just a minimal amount of ‘action’.

Are We Talking About the 80/20 Diet?

No, we’re talking about picking the most effective actions you can take to keep yourself healthy. That being, the 80/20 Diet can be an effective way to lose weight and maintain it. This diet takes the rule as it stands and flips it on its head by saying 80% of your diet should be healthy food and 20 percent can be fun foods. Just remember to track your calories, so you don’t end up overdoing it.

So, How Can You Apply the Pareto Principle To Your Health?

The key is identifying what makes the biggest impact on your well-being and doing that consistently. For the average person, good health comes from:

  • Sleeping 8 – 10 hours per night
  • Exercising moderately
  • Eating a diet with whole foods

Diabetics can certainly benefit by taking these steps in their daily life. But, you can take the Pareto Principle even further by looking at your diabetes management.

Doctors will tell you that the most important part of managing diabetes is maintaining stable blood sugars. That sounds simple enough. Next, you’ll want to identify what minimal actions you can take to ensure you follow this tenet. Well, here are some ideas:

  • Check your blood sugar regularly
  • Cut simple sugars out of your diet
  • Add some fiber to your diet
  • Take your medications daily
  • Half an hour of exercise 5 days/week

Look at your health and diabetes self-care plan to figure out what it is that is the most effective at controlling blood sugars. Make a point of doing that thing regularly, and you’ll be applying the 80/20 Rule.


The 80/20 Rule and How It Can Change Your Life. URL Link. Accessed May 9, 2017.

5 Tips to Get Your Diabetes Under Control. URL Link. Accessed May 9, 2017.

The 80-20 Rule Applied To Your Health. URL Link. Accessed May 9, 2017.

Should You Follow the 80/20 Diet? URL Link. Accessed May 9, 2017.