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Diabetes & Monitoring – When to Check Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes & Monitoring – When to Check Blood Sugar Levels

I can’t imagine how it must feel to prick oneself several times a day forever. But I suppose that is a small price to pay to stay alive and healthy.

Of course, no one should be pricking themself every hour to test their glycemia. Be wise on when to do it.

Here are 4 scenarios where you ought to test your blood sugar.

#1. When You’re Sick

I know. Checking your glycemia when you are homesick is the last thing on your mind. Unfortunately, this is one of those times when you need to monitor your blood sugar closely. The release of blood sugar-raising hormones and the wacky eating schedule can take a toll on your glycemia. Something to keep in mind as well is that certain medications like cold syrups may contain sugar.

#2. When You Suspect an Onset of Hypoglycemia

If you are experiencing hypoglycemic symptoms, don’t wait any longer. Test your blood sugar right away and correct it if needed.

#3. When You are Suffering from a Rollercoaster Blood Sugar

If your blood sugar tends to be erratic, your healthcare team will most likely recommend glycemic testing more than three times a day. Don’t worry; once everything is under control, you shouldn’t be checking as often anymore.

#4. When You Decide to (Finally) Exercise

If you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle, suddenly undergoing extensive training can cause your blood glucose to suffer a dip well below what you were expecting. Start your workout with baby steps and monitor your glycemic level before, during, and after to catch and correct any hypos.