Home Diet & Recipes Diabetes & Diet: 5 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

Diabetes & Diet: 5 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

Diabetes & Diet: 5 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

As we head into the back-to-school season, many parents are wondering what to give their kids for daily lunches. It’s not always a good idea to allow your children to buy a high-calorie, sodium-rich lunch in the cafeteria. Plus, school lunches can be expensive.

Thankfully, there are healthy brown bag options for those on a budget!

#1 The Turkey Wrap

Make a Mediterranean turkey wrap with hummus, turkey, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, and feta cheese. For extra points, you can use whole-wheat flour tortillas. 

#2 Yummy Chicken Salad

Chicken salad is one of those cold, creamy foods that children will usually tolerate and even enjoy. Make your own favorite version of lettuce salad, wraps, and sandwiches. However, you can punch up the healthy factor with some grapes, apple, carrots, onion, or cucumber mixed in.

#3 Quick Hummus Dip

When you are really short on time, buy some hummus dip and divide it up into separate serving containers. Pop this protein-rich snack into a bagged lunch with some pita bread or baked pita chips.

#4 Turkey Dogs

Those with really young children may want to put together a meal that can easily be picked up and eaten. Slice up a turkey dog and a few cubes of low-fat cheese. Place a small container of their favorite condiment in with this high-protein meal for dipping.

#5 Graham Crackers and Peanut Butter

If your child has a sweet tooth, satisfy it with graham crackers. Two sheets of these sweet, cinnamon topped crackers are a perfect pairing with some peanut butter. This easy meal provides a mix of fat, carbs, and protein.

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>> 1 Simple Trick to Fixing Your Diabetes


New and Healthy Brown Bag Lunches. URL Link. Accessed August 6th, 2017.

Mediterranean Turkey Wrap. URL Link. Accessed August 6th, 2017.

School Lunch Ideas for Kids with Diabetes. URL Link. Accessed August 6th, 2017.