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Why Diabetes Can Cause Blurry Vision and What to Do About It

Why Diabetes Can Cause Blurry Vision and What to Do About It

Blurry vision in diabetics may be caused directly by the higher levels of blood glucose that typifies diabetes. It can also be the result of a related condition worsened by diabetes, or it might be unrelated to diabetes.

Your eye doctor is the best place to go for a diagnosis. In fact, the American Diabetes Association  recommends seeing your eye doctor for a dilated eye exam once a year. Even if you don’t have the symptoms, it’s worth making this doctor’s visit a part of your regular self-care.

Blurry Vision as a Direct Result of Diabetes

Blurry vision in diabetics is not uncommon since blood sugar affects fluid levels in the eyes. Fluid leaking into the macula (responsible for sharp central vision) causes macular edema. Blood vessels leaking into the center of the eye causes proliferative retinopathy. When you hear someone refer to “diabetic retinopathy”, they’re talking about these two conditions.

Bringing your blood glucose down may help. But don’t diagnose yourself. It’s important to see your eye doctor for a complete diagnosis.

Related Diabetic Eye Diseases

Glaucoma and cataracts are also considered diabetic eye diseases.

  • Glaucoma risk is nearly double in diabetics. Aside from blurry vision, symptoms also include loss of vision, halos around lights, eye pain, red eyes, and vomiting.
  • Cataracts tend to develop earlier in diabetics, and the risk is two to five times higher. Blurry vision, faded vision, double vision, halos, and sensitivity to light are all symptoms.

The good news is that early detection and treatment reduces your risk of going blind by a whopping 95%.

Other Reasons for Blurry Vision

Blurry vision in diabetics isn’t always due to diabetes. Low blood pressure, too much computer time, eye infection, immune system disorder, even some drugs can cause it.


Blurry vision can be worrying, but the only way to find out what’s really happening is to see your eye doctor. With a clinical diagnosis, you and your doctor will be able to get started on improving your vision.