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Can This Fat Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes?

Can This Fat Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes?

Over the past couple of years, there has been a lot of focus on the link between saturated fats and heart disease, and scientists have come to the conclusion that not all fats are bad.

In fact, some fats may assist with weight loss efforts. One recent study is linking a particular fat to a lower risk of diabetes.

What fat am I talking about? Whole-fat yogurt!

The Research

According to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consumed whole-fat yogurt enjoyed a lower risk of developing diabetes compared to those who didn’t. Butter and cheese lovers also appear to be in greater danger of being plagued with diabetes.

So, what is it about whole-fat yogurt that makes it beneficial?

Aside from being a rich source of protein, yogurt contains friendly bacteria that contribute to the well-being of the gut microflora. As it turns out, the microbiota is closely linked to a long list of chronic diseases, including diabetes. Thus, promoting a healthy intestinal flora could be a strategy in the prevention of diabetes.

With that said, it is possible that people who consume yogurt are more likely to make better dietary choices, considering that yogurt is a healthy food option.

How to Get More Yogurt into Your Diet

Given the outcomes of this research study, you may be wondering how you can include whole-fat yogurt into your diet.

Here are a few healthy ways to add more whole-fat yogurt into your diet:

  • Make a yogurt parfait with some fresh berries and almonds
  • Add full-fat unsweetened yogurt to a smoothie or protein shake
  • Make a homemade salad dressing with full-fat unsweetened yogurt as your base
  • Pack full-fat yogurt as a mid-day snack at work or school

You can consume all the yogurt you want, but it’s not going to make a difference if the rest of your diet is filled with highly processed foods. It’s all about a well-rounded diet.

A pro-tip to keep in mind: Steer clear of any yogurts with added sugar and stick to plain and unsweetened versions. You can always add your own sweetness with freshly sliced fruit.

Go ahead and keep enjoying your full-fat yogurt. If you’re used to buying the “lighter” version, skip it. Not only does full-fat taste better but as it turns out, it may be doing your health a bigger favor!


Yahoo News. URL Link Accessed February 22, 2017