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Can Medical Cannabis Benefit Diabetics?

Can Medical Cannabis Benefit Diabetics?

Cannabis is a very controversial plant. On one hand, it is illegal in most places. Possessing and using it even medicinally can land you in heaps of legal troubles. On the other hand, cannabis does have a lot of medicinal benefits. Research studies and anecdotal stories have already shown cannabis’ potential to help a variety of illnesses – from seizures not responding to conventional antiepileptic therapy to chronic pain not relieved by strong painkillers.

Cannabis, as numerous studies have also shown, can even benefit diabetic patients. Below are some ways that medical cannabis can benefit diabetics.

Reduce Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance occurs when our cells can’t absorb insulin, the main hormone that transports glucose into the cells for conversion into energy. But with our cells rejecting insulin, glucose is left accumulating in the blood, resulting in increased blood sugar level and thicker blood consistency which can lead to medical complications.

Medical cannabis, specifically cannabidiol or CBD, has the potential to reduce insulin resistance, increase our cells’ insulin sensitivity, and decrease blood sugar level by controlling one of the causes for worsening diabetes – inflammation. Cannabis, as studies revealed, has very powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can effectively control even chronic inflammation.

Reduce Diabetes Complications

Diabetes can lead to serious complications like diabetic retinopathy (eye damage), neuropathy (nerve damage causing pain in the distal extremities), and nephropathy (kidney damage). Studies have shown that inflammation, again, plays a significant role in the development of these complications.

With medical cannabis having potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it has the potential to control these serious complications by inducing the death of immune cells that worsen and cause chronic inflammation. Cannabis can even control nerve pain associated with diabetic neuropathy since it is also a potent analgesic when it activates the endocannabinoid system, a system responsible for the regulation of many physiological processes like pain, sleep, memory, appetite, inflammation, among others.

Numerous studies have already been done on cannabis and its potential therapeutic value to diabetic patients. However, cannabis still remains illegal in some parts of the country, so before you look into medical cannabis as an add-on therapy, be sure to ask your doctor first and make sure that it’s legal in your area.

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The cannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) ameliorates insulin sensitivity in two mouse models of obesity. URL Link. Accessed: August 9, 2017.

The Endocannabinoid System and Plant-Derived Cannabinoids in Diabetes and Diabetic Complications. URL Link. Accessed: August 9, 2017.

Project CBD. URL Link. Accessed: August 9, 2017.