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How Can Caregivers Help Diabetic Loved Ones?

How Can Caregivers Help Diabetic Loved Ones?

A diabetes diagnosis is a big thing to accept. Some patients may remain in denial about their health for years, while others start worrying that this is the start of a deep downward slide in health. Not to mention, all of the changes they have to make and new daily routine that includes medications.

It’s a frustrating experience to watch a loved one go through this life adjustment and not know how to help. However, there are ways that a friend or family member can support and be of assistance with a loved one’s diabetic treatment plan.

Be Specific in Offering Support

When someone is ill or diagnosed with a disease, many people will offer to help in whatever way is needed. Sadly, this can seem a little vague, and the offer of assistance isn’t always taken up. Plus, if your loved one does ask for something that you can’t provide, they may be turned off of asking for any future help. Instead, give a specific offer that you can commit time too. For instance, you might offer to learn how to use a glucagon kit and find out where it’s located in your friend’s home or car in case they have a dangerous blood sugar low.


Join Them in Healthy Lifestyle Changes

You can also adjust easier on your loved one by joining them in making healthier choices. Start a joint exercise routine together or go on a diet together. Whatever you do, don’t tempt your friend into drinking or eating to excess or ignoring their planned workout.

Avoid the Urge to Nag

There will be plenty of people in your loved one’s life who are already telling him or her how to live. They are called doctors and nurses. While it’s great if you’ve been asked to remind a diabetic loved one about important tasks, such as checking blood glucose levels, you shouldn’t take it upon yourself to monitor them. Let your loved one manage their disease their way. Of course, parents still need to supervise diabetic children, as they have yet to develop good habits.

With a little patience and understanding, you can provide the long-term and the recently diagnosed with more than enough support.


8 Tips for Caregivers. URL Link. Accessed October 3rd, 2017.

Tips for Diabetes Caregivers. URL Link. Accessed October 3rd, 2017.