Home Featured Before You Chug It: Does Wheatgrass Juice Help to Manage Diabetes?

Before You Chug It: Does Wheatgrass Juice Help to Manage Diabetes?

Before You Chug It: Does Wheatgrass Juice Help to Manage Diabetes?

There was a period in my life when wheatgrass juice was the first step of my morning routine. The nutrients in the tiny shot of vibrant green juice were far superior to any other food I was consuming (or so I thought). I believed it would be the elixir to heal my acne, boost my energy, stabilize my mood, and clean my organs. Imagine, then, when I found that I didn’t feel or look any differently and that this so-called antidote only gave me a good gag reflex and a strong right arm on account of the juicing device.

Similarly, many diabetics cling on to natural health remedies (understandably) in hopes of curing their disease. Wheatgrass juice has successfully made its way to the diabetes community as a sort of heal-all medicine as well. Unfortunately, I’m here to tell you that this earthy shot of liquid feeding hay is no more potent than eating a salad.

Reported Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is known for being loaded with chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. Indeed, this fact is true.

  • Chlorophyll – works as a detoxifier as it carries oxygen throughout the body. It is said to help with hormonal balance and digestive health as well.
  • Iron – helps combat fatigue as it metabolizes proteins and promotes the production of hemoglobin.
  • wheatgrass diabetesVitamin A – is best known for supporting eye health. It also nourishes the skin and supercharges the immune system.
  • Vitamin C – is known for boosting the immune system, touted to treat cancer and lower hypertension, and combat stroke.
  • Vitamin E – balances cholesterol and hormones, strengthens hair, and supports skin health. It is most impressive at slowing or reversing symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Selenium – is a trace mineral that supports cognitive function and fertility in both men and women.

Rumors have circulated that these nutrients would be especially useful for people with diabetes. Because this disease can compromise the immune system and cognitive function, many people are turning to wheatgrass due to its array of “healing” nutrients. There are also reports that wheatgrass juice can help stabilize glucose levels, though the research is limited.

Wheatgrass vs. Vegetables

There is no doubt that wheatgrass juice certainly has a lot to offer. The problem is that the health world has clung onto it as a sort of savior to all ailments. The reality is that wheatgrass has a similar profile to most other green vegetables. Of course, there are some benefits in wheatgrass that are lacking in other vegetables—and vice versa—but no one vegetable is particularly stellar compared to the others. In reality, all vegetables deserve to hold the title “Superfood”!

So whether you drink a cup of wheatgrass juice or eat kale, both are great options to support the brain and power up the immune system. A diet full of fruits and vegetables will help to stabilize your glucose levels, with or without wheatgrass juice. If you like the taste of wheatgrass juice, by all means, go for it! Otherwise, don’t worry, you’re not missing out.


Dr. Axe. URL Link. Accessed February 23, 2017.

Livestrong. URL Link. Accessed February 23, 2017.

NHS. URL Link. Accessed February 23, 2017.