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Are Diabetes Symptoms Different in Men and Women?

Are Diabetes Symptoms Different in Men and Women?

One of the many physiological differences between men and women is the way they react to certain diseases. For example, it’s almost common knowledge now that influenza symptoms hit men much harder than women. Another disease that can manifest itself differently depending on the sex of the patient is diabetes.

Let’s go over the similarities and differences between diabetes in men and women.

Usual Symptoms

The most common symptoms of diabetes are the same in both men and women. These include:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Excessive thirst;
  • Blurry vision;
  • Increased appetite.

You can also experience sudden weight loss if you develop type 1 diabetes.

Sex Problems

It’s a common misconception that only men experience sex problems caused by high glucose levels, since this affects the blood flow to the penis. While erectile dysfunction is a common occurrence in men with diabetes, women can sometimes experience a lower libido and less lubrication.

Obesity and Diabetes Risk

Diabetes in men and women is different in one major way – men don’t have to gain so much weight to be at a high risk. According to a 2016 study published in the BMJ journal, men can develop the condition more easily, even after gaining less weight than women.

Another study found that men who were diagnosed with diabetes had a BMI of around 32, while women diabetics were around 34. More than that, men store fat at places that are risky for diabetes like the abdomen and around the liver.

Final Word

Although the basic diabetes symptoms are the same for both sexes, diabetes in men and women does differ. Research suggests that overweight men are more likely to develop this condition.