Home Diet & Recipes Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating Well

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating Well

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating Well

The recommended diet for people with diabetes and prediabetes is similar to that of the general public. Basically, they need to eat three healthy, balanced meals every day—with snacks if necessary. They also need to play special attention to carbohydrates.

What makes up a balanced meal?

For lunch and dinner, aim for a balanced plate.

  • Fill half of your plate with vegetables (raw of cooked) as a side dish or mixed into the main dish.
  • Fill a quarter of your plate with foods that are high in protein (meat and alternatives), such as poultry, lean meat, fish, seafood, legumes (for example, chickpeas, beans, lentils), eggs, and tofu.
  • Fill the last quarter of your plate with grain products, preferably whole grains, (for example, bread, whole-wheat pasta or couscous, brown rice, quinoa, barley), or other starchy foods (for example, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn).
  • To complete your balanced plate, add a serving of fruit and a serving of milk (or an alternative, such as fortifies sow beverage or yogurt) to your meal or enjoy them later, as a snack.

About Carbohydrates

Most foods (except meats and fats) contain carbs, During digestion, carbs are transformed into glucose, which gives your body energy. That’s why a balanced meal must include goods that have carbs. If you have diabetes, watch how much you eat and make healthy choices.

What Can I Drink?

Water is the number one choice when it comes to drinks. You can try flavoring your water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Herbal teas are another enjoyable way to add flavor to water.

Avoid soft drinks and other sugary beverages. Even fruit juice with no sugar added is naturally high in sugar. Try fresh fruit instead. The fiber in fruit makes them less likely to make your blood glucose levels spike.


Eating at Regular Hours

If you have diabetes, you should eat three meals a day at regular times, every 4 to 6 hours. This allows your body to ingest the food over the course of the day and better control your blood glucose levels.

If you’re hungry between meals, choose a healthy snack, such as fruit with a slice of cheese or raw vegetables and plain almonds. This will help curb your appetite.


Get Cooking!

By cooking at home as much as possible, you can make sure you’re eating well, and you can monitor the quality and quantity of your ingredients. Plus, home cooked meals often taste better!