Home Diet & Recipes 5 Ways Pumpkins Benefit Diabetics!

5 Ways Pumpkins Benefit Diabetics!

5 Ways Pumpkins Benefit Diabetics!

Fall is the perfect time of year for adding pumpkin to your diet. This hearty, orange squash is an iconic part of the holiday season. So, it’s frequently found at the dinner table anyway. You’ll have a hard time sitting down to a family meal during this time of year without seeing some pumpkin pie or roasted seeds to snack on.

However, you might be surprised to find that pumpkin offers a host of potential benefits for diabetics. Let’s check out a few of them!

#1 Pumpkins are Full of Antioxidants

These round hulks are that brilliant orange color because their seeds and flesh contain beta-carotene and vitamin C. Both of these nutrients are helpful for fighting off pathogens, which is particularly important for diabetics who have compromised immune systems.

#2 They Add Some Fiber to Your Diet

Most holiday meals are high in fat, protein, and simple carbs. However, you don’t have to look hard to find some fiber in your pumpkin pie. Canned pumpkin, which is often used in pie, contains about 7 grams of fiber per serving. This will help slow digestion and add bulk to your diet!

#3 Pumpkins May Reduce the Risk of Cancer

The high amount of beta-carotene in pumpkin seems to be useful in lowering the risks of developing colon and prostate cancer. Diabetics have an increased risk of developing cancer, so it pays to add more anti-cancer foods to your diet.

#4 The Seeds Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Pumpkin seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that can help your skin maintain the natural moisture balance within your skin. Dry skin is the bane of many diabetics, especially those with uncontrolled blood sugar levels. They can also help ease menopausal symptoms and prevent benign enlargement of the prostate.

#5 They May Help Diabetes!

Last, but not least, pumpkin contains compounds that have shown promise in treating diabetes. Pumpkin flesh boasts trigonelline and nicotinic acid. Both of these compounds were found to improve glucose tolerance, support the regeneration of beta cells, increase insulin secretion, and regulate enzymes associated with glucose metabolism.


Pumpkins: Health benefits and nutritional breakdown. URL Link. Accessed October 10th, 2017.

Pumpkins: A Great Food To Fight Diabetes. URL Link. Accessed October 10th, 2017