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5 Things Diabetics Are Sick of Hearing

5 Things Diabetics Are Sick of Hearing

I’m fortunate enough to not have diabetes—yet. So, I can only imagine the annoying things that diabetics are forced to hear throughout their whole lives from people like me who is curious, talkative, and plain-out nosy.

If you want to understand why people with diabetes tend to roll their eyes at your questions, here are 5 reasons that could explain why.

#1. You don’t look fat enough to have diabetes.

Uh, excuse me?

First of all, there is no written rule that all overweight or obese people have or will have diabetes (truth: they are at higher risk, but that doesn’t mean absolute guarantee). Secondly, normal or underweight individuals can suffer from diabetes too. Diabetes is a multifactorial disease. In other words, weight is only one of the risk factors for diabetes.

#2. Should you be eating that?

If you are not diabetic, a diabetes educator, or have some diabetes knowledge, you can only see why this question could grant you a side eye. I know some of you mean well by asking that, but sometimes, you just need to trust your diabetic friend.

Only ask this question if you are really sure to be able to hit them back with an “I told you so.”

#3. If you diet and exercise, you won’t have diabetes.

Jeez, thanks Sherlock.

Yes, diet and exercise do play a huge role when it comes to type 2 diabetes. But like I said previously, there could be several triggers to diabetes. And while it might seem easy to put the blame on the person with diabetes, there are many instances that things are just out of their hands. Workplace and technology create a perfect environment for a sedentary lifestyle. Busy lifestyle makes it hard to get some air let alone setting away time to take care of our health.

No one wishes to have diabetes. So, please refrain from throwing salt on their wounds.

#4. I eat so much sugar; I’m going to have diabetes—like you.

Thank you for the compliment.

I think.

#5. Sucks to be you.

I don’t need a reminder.

What are other things that you never want to hear again? Let us know on Facebook!