Home Featured 5 Symptoms of Diabetes That Can Sometimes Go Unnoticed

5 Symptoms of Diabetes That Can Sometimes Go Unnoticed

5 Symptoms of Diabetes That Can Sometimes Go Unnoticed

Early stages of diabetes can often be very subtle. In fact, 9 out of 10 adults with type 2 diabetes aren’t even aware they have it. In this article, we will be going over some early symptoms of diabetes that can go unnoticed.

Frequent Urination

If you seem to be making more trips to the bathroom, it may be because of diabetes. Because your body is unable to break down food to sugar, it disposes of it through urine. Since it could be hard to gauge how often you visit the bathroom, waking up in the middle of the night with a need to urinate is a warning sign.

Feeling Thirsty More Often

Frequent urination can make you feel more thirsty than usual. Be wary of quenching your thirst with sugary drinks like chocolate milk or soda, as these will only contribute to the problem.


We all feel tired from time to time. But, while being exhausted after a long day is completely normal, feeling tired too often could be one of the early signs of diabetes. This happens when your body isn’t able to break down the food and use it to produce energy.

Recurring Yeast Infections

High sugar levels can promote the growth of yeast and bacteria. If you can’t seem to get rid of your infection and it keeps coming back, you should visit your doctor so he or she can test you for diabetes.

Blurry Vision

In the early stages of the disease, glucose can keep building up in the eyes, which can cause blurry vision. This is very different from diabetic retinopathy, where the disease starts damaging the eye’s blood vessels.


If you notice some of these early signs of diabetes working together, contact your doctor. They may not be caused by diabetes, but you should still do the proper tests to exclude it as a possibility.