Home Diet & Recipes 5 Healthy Movie Snack Alternatives for Diabetics

5 Healthy Movie Snack Alternatives for Diabetics

5 Healthy Movie Snack Alternatives for Diabetics

Snacks almost seem ubiquitous where movies are concerned. You make a bowl of popcorn, pour a cold drink, and plop in front of the TV with a remote. Or, you head out to the theatre and stand in line at the concession stand before making your way to your seat. Want to watch a movie? You’d better hope you’re hungry.

The Problem With Movie Snacks

Movie snacks as a whole are problematic. Several studies have found that you are far more likely to overeat or overindulge if you eat while watching a movie or TV show. If, however, you like to sit down with a snack on occasion while you watch your favorite flick, you can enjoy both… as long as you make a few simple changes.

#1. Concession for Homemade Popcorn

Concession stand (and microwave) popcorn usually has numerous oils and additives rather than the straightforward ingredients of corn and butter. To keep your snack on the healthy side, make your popcorn, and create your toppings. You can stick to a moderate amount of butter, or you can get creative and make your own blends of toppings, such as butter and chili, lime and salt, or butter and cinnamon.

#2. Nachos for Vegetables and Dip

If you can’t watch a movie without having some sort of crunchy snack at your disposal, opt out of nachos and bring along some carrot chips and dip. Carrots often come pre-cut like pickle slices, so toss some carrot and cucumber slices in your bag along with your favorite vegetable dip, and you’ve got a healthy crunch to chew on.

#3. Candy for Fruit

Candy has zero redeeming qualities. Chock full of artificial flavors, sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial coloring, candy is your movie snack nemesis. Instead, bring your favorite fruit. Berries and melons, in particular, offer a substantial sweet factor and are great with a fruit dip or by themselves.

#4. Ice Cream for Homemade Sorbet

Ice cream packs a wallop in both sugar and fat content and can throw quite a wrench in your attempts to balance your blood sugar. Instead of downing a pint of ice cream, make your own sorbet using frozen fruit, a bit of water, and sugar. Although this will still have a significant amount of sugar, you can tailor the amount, depending on how much you choose to add, and the taste is refreshing rather than heavy.

#5. Soda for Sparkling Water

Finally, instead of reaching for a giant soda, bring along some sparkling or flavored water. You can still enjoy a flavored or bubbling beverage without the health toll brought on by soda.

Be warned that some theaters do not allow outside snacks. If this is the case, shy away from the candy and fried foods available, and grab a pickle, hot dog, or small popcorn to keep your outing free of regret.


Web MD. Accessed 8/11/17.

Harvard Medical School. Accessed 8/11/17.