Home Diet & Recipes 5 Great Office Snacks for People with Diabetes

5 Great Office Snacks for People with Diabetes

5 Great Office Snacks for People with Diabetes

If you sit in an office all day long, you may be tempted to reach into the candy bowl. That short-lived satisfaction could have long-standing consequences if you are diabetic. Instead, try these office snacks for people with diabetes.

1. Cottage Cheese and Pineapple

While it certainly isn’t a fun-sized bar of chocolate, this option is much healthier for you. And could help soothe that sweet craving. This high protein option is also full of nutrients.

Cottage cheese is full of different vitamin Bs as well as minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Pineapple is a great source of vitamin C, among other vitamins. Just be sure to watch which type of canned pineapple you pick-up if you pass on the natural variety.

2. Whole Wheat Bread and Avocado

Another snack you can eat in the office is a slice of whole wheat bread with slices of avocado. This complex carb and healthy fat combination could be a winner. It will also leave you feeling fuller than a bag of chips.

3. Sugar Snap Peas and Hummus

Despite what the name implies, these snap peas are not full of sugar. Instead, they are filled with vital nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Use sugar snap peas to dip into your favorite hummus for a satisfying crunch at snack time.

4. Pecans and Sweet Potato

If you are craving something a little more substantial, try a baked sweet potato with chopped pecans and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants and fiber. And, the pecans are rich in magnesium. Many type 2 diabetics are low on this essential mineral, but it can help regulate your blood sugar.

5. Edamame

Last, but not least, is the edamame. A popular bar snack in Japan, it has grown in popularity in the United States. Eat the shelled variety for a boost in protein and fiber, without the boost in your blood sugar.

Final Thoughts

These are only a few office snacks for people with diabetes. There are many more out there. Experiment to suit your individual tastes and proportion for your diabetic diet.