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4 Ways to Keep Diabetes Burnout at Bay

4 Ways to Keep Diabetes Burnout at Bay

All too often the struggle to control diabetes leads to burnout. That feeling when you just can’t do it any longer or want to avoid the problem completely. This happens to many diabetics at some point in their lives, but it doesn’t have to.

Here are 4 ways to help you stay upbeat and focused on your health care.

#1. Be a Little Flexible

No one is perfect and striving to always keep your numbers within that target range can be frustrating. Sometimes, things out of your control will cause your blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal. Understand that this can happen from time to time. Instead of focusing on those daily numbers, try to keep your focus on good habits and keeping up with your medications.

#2. Talk With Your Doctor

A doctor’s visit can go by very quickly, with the doc just checking your numbers and giving a basic exam. This can leave diabetics to do their own research and create self-care plans that are too difficult to succeed on. Next time, snag your doctor and ask for a little help in creating a maintenance plan that is achievable.

#3. Build a Support System

You don’t have to deal with your diabetes alone. Burnout often occurs when people try to do it all without having some emotional support or a sounding board for solving problems. Try bringing a relative with you to doctor’s appointments. Don’t hesitate to delegate some tasks to others either, such as picking up prescriptions. You can also look for a diabetes support group in your local area or online to share stories with others who understand what you are going through.

#4 Maintain Other Interests

It’s easy to start identifying yourself by your disease, but this limits your ability to escape from the pressures of managing diabetes. Try to keep up with your interests, hobbies, and personal life as much as you can. You’ll feel more well-rounded as a person and have less mental and emotional fatigue from focusing on your condition.


Joslin Diabetes Center. URL Link. Accessed March 28, 2017.

How to Avoid Diabetes Burnout. URL Link. Accessed March 28, 2017.

Tips To Fight Diabetes Burnout. URL Link. Accessed March 28, 2017.