Home Recent 4 Quick & Easy Diabetes-Friendly Weight Loss Tips

4 Quick & Easy Diabetes-Friendly Weight Loss Tips

4 Quick & Easy Diabetes-Friendly Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is something that many people struggle with. With countless of fad diets and workout routines, it’s hard to determine which option is best for you and to stick to a routine that works.

When you have diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight help keep your blood sugar within a normal range and improve insulin sensitivity.

If you’ve been struggling to shed pounds or scavenging for tips that work, here are four quick and easy diabetes-friendly weight loss tips to help get you started!

Move Daily

I know, I know, no one likes to hear that they have to exercise every day, but if you make a real effort to move your body each day, you set yourself up for success. Moving your body doesn’t mean spending long hours in the gym: you can go for a walk, do a workout video at home, or even take a fun Zumba class.

Strive for 30 minutes of movement each day, and if you have to split that time up, that’s ok as well! For those with a super busy schedule, it may be easier to do 15 minutes in the morning then 15 minutes after work.

Just do whatever works best for you and –most importantly– stay committed.

Meal Prep

Eating healthy can be a struggle if you don’t have a plan. Without proper planning, you are much more likely to snack on junk foods and to pick up fast food on your way home from the office.

Make a healthy weekly meal plan and stick to it. Not only will this help with your weight loss goals, but it will also save you time and money as well.

Get Enough Sleep

I cannot stress the importance of sleep enough. When you deprive yourself of shut-eye, you set yourself up for hormonal imbalance as well as overeating. Prepare for bedtime by 10 PM each night and make sure that you’re getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

You will be surprised at what a good night sleep can do for your health.

Combat Stress

Stress can cause weight gain, period. Sadly, many people realize the impact stress has on their health. Not only can it pack on some serious pounds, but it can cause inflammation, a common state often observed in multiple diseases.

Try to practice at least 10 minutes of stress reduction per day (hint: yoga and meditation are great!).

Try implementing these four tips into your daily life. You may be surprised at how much better you feel, both physically and mentally.