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4 Important Steps in Preventing Type 3 Diabetes

4 Important Steps in Preventing Type 3 Diabetes

Several studies have proven that there is, indeed, a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 diabetes. The evidence is so strong that Alzheimer’s Disease is now being referred to as brain diabetes or type 3 diabetes by some experts in the medical community.

According to epidemiological studies, diabetic patients (both type 1 and type 2) have a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease by as much as 30% to 65% compared to non-diabetic individuals. The risk increases in diabetics with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

If you’re diabetic, you have to take the necessary steps to protect your brain and prevent the development of Alzheimer’s Disease or Type 3 diabetes.

#1 – Diet

Your diet should consist of fiber-rich fruits (bananas, apples, berries, and oranges) vegetables (artichokes, broccoli, peas, and Brussels sprouts). Not only are these good for your digestive system, but they also help lower bad cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and high sugar level.

These foods are also rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These compounds are needed to counter the effects of chronic low-grade inflammation associated with both diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease.

#2 – Exercise

Diabetics are encouraged to do aerobic exercises at least half an hour each day for five days. The exercises should be moderate to high intensity.

In addition to aerobic exercises, strength training workouts are also encouraged at least twice a week for half-hour sessions. Exercise not only boosts your metabolism and blood circulation but also increases insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels.

Of note, you should exercise not just your body but your brain as well. So stimulate your brain by learning a new skill, reading more books, and playing board games, crossword puzzles, or even math and word games.

#3 – Sleep

Getting enough rest and sleep is just as important as going on an exercise program or a healthier diet. It allows your tissues to heal and recover from daily stresses and injuries, and it also reduces your risk of developing serious complications like heart problems and stroke.

Experts recommend that we get at least eight hours of good sleep each night.

#4 – Maintain Diabetes ABC Control

Finally, to prevent the development of Type 3 diabetes (Alzheimer’s Disease), you need to get your diabetes ABC under control. These are your A1c (sugar level), blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Diabetes Link To Alzheimer’s Disease Explained. URL Link. November 6, 2017.