Home Featured 4 Gadgets Every Diabetic Should Have

4 Gadgets Every Diabetic Should Have

4 Gadgets Every Diabetic Should Have

Diabetes patients today have it far better than diabetes patients from a decade ago. With constant research studies, innovative new technologies, and an increasing number of patients, diabetes gadgets are increasing in number and scope.

Not all gadgets are necessary or even particularly helpful, but there are a few that stand the test of time and create a better environment for diabetics of all ages and backgrounds. Each of these gadgets will improve the lives of diabetes patients through making a few daily or weekly processes a little bit easier.

#1. Water Thermometer

Designed to float in your bathwater, a water thermometer will help you make sure your water is never too hot. Because neuropathy is not uncommon in diabetes patients, the possibility of sustaining burns or incurring danger from too-hot bathwater is much higher. A water thermometer will prevent you from hurting yourself with your bath.

#2. Pedometer

Pedometers are a great way to monitor your movement throughout the day. As a diabetic, you need to keep your movement and action relatively high. A pedometer will not only help you set goals but will give you a greater idea of when and how you are reaching your exercise goals.

#3. Continuous Glucose Monitor

A Continuous Glucose Monitor (GCM) is a device that measures your blood sugar regularly throughout the day without having to constantly poke your fingers. These numbers are sent wirelessly to another device, which allows you to have an idea of your blood sugar’s typical movement throughout the day.

The data can be used to identify difficulties with sleep, patterns in blood sugar problems, problematic foods, and dangerous lack of movement. You can tailor your daily diet and activities to fit your body’s unique makeup and needs.

#4. Portion Plate

A portion plate is a plate designed to demonstrate the portion sizes needed for each individual food group. Portion plates are particularly useful for diabetics because portion sizes can quickly become distorted and lead to overeating or overindulging on a specific food group.

Whether you are a technological Philistine or tend to gobble up every new piece of gadgetry that comes out, there is a diabetes tool that will work for you.


Web MD. Accessed 8/3/17.

Everyday Health. Accessed 8/3/17.