Home Diet & Recipes 4 Dietary Tips for (Possibly) Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

4 Dietary Tips for (Possibly) Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

4 Dietary Tips for (Possibly) Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

With healthy dietary measures and lifestyle changes, Type 2 diabetes can be better managed but possibly even reversed! (The word “reverse” is not the exact term. People who “reversed” their diabetes are, in fact, “in remission. To read more on this topic, check out our previous blog post by clicking here.)

What you choose to eat everyday matters, and it matters in a big way. You can either choose to consume foods that will cause your blood sugar levels to skyrocket and your insulin sensitivity to decrease, or you can consume foods to nourish your body and balance your health.

I am going to share four important dietary steps that you can take today to better manage your diabetes and possibly even reverse it.

Let’s get started!

#1. Limit Red Meats & Go Plant-Based

shutterstock_520086586Limiting red meats can be difficult for some, but it may be very worth your while. More research is coming out every day against the adverse effects of red meat and processed meats in the development of diabetes. In fact, things like beef, pork, lamb, bacon, hot dogs, and deli meat have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes. Eating even small amounts of red meat have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes by up to 51%. That’s a huge risk! Try swapping out red meat with plant-based options such as nuts, poultry, fish, and whole grains. These are foods shown to decrease the risk of diabetes as opposed to increasing the risk.

#2. Opt for Good Fats

Fats can be controversial, so some people stay away from them altogether. However, avoiding all fats isn’t healthy either. Skip the trans-fats, hydrogenated fats, and saturated fats and go for things like avocados, wild caught salmon, nuts, and seeds. Healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids can help protect the heart, so go ahead and add these fats to your diet; they are doing your health a favor.

#3. Ditch the Processed Carbs

shutterstock_225862597Having diabetes means watching your carb intake, but that doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Instead, avoid the processed carbs such as the white bread, pasta, and pastries and choose whole grain options instead. A study found that women who ate two to three servings of whole grains per day reduced their risk of Type 2 diabetes by 30%. That’s an impressive statistic, and one more reason to shy away from processed carbs and go for the healthier options.

#4. Choose Anti-inflammatory Foods

We could all use an anti-inflammatory boost as inflammation is the root cause of nearly all disease. When you have diabetes, this is even more important, so you will want to stock up on anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, wild-caught salmon, and green leafy vegetables to nourish your body and prevent inflammation.

Food can be medicine, but only if you treat it that way. Only you are in charge of what goes into your body each day. Take a stand to make a change today by making healthier dietary choices. By eating better today, you protect your health for your future. You may be surprised to see how a healthy diet can drastically improve your diabetes management plan, so start making changes today!


Harvard. URL Link. Accessed January 24, 2017.