Home Featured 4 Diabetic Benefits of Walking (#4 May Surprise You!)

4 Diabetic Benefits of Walking (#4 May Surprise You!)

4 Diabetic Benefits of Walking (#4 May Surprise You!)

Walking is an incredibly healthy way to workout and an activity that most people can safely do.

It doesn’t take much effort at all, and you can easily squeeze in extra walking time each day by taking the stairs or parking further away from the entrance of a building.

It’s important not to underestimate the health benefits walking holds, especially for diabetes.

Here are five diabetic benefits of walking.

#1 Get Your Exercise In

If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, try walking. This is a great way to get your heart rate up and your exercise of the day without truly feeling like you are working out.

Some easy ways to add this activity into your day is by walking your dog or even starting a club with friends. It’s a win-win: you can be social and get some exercise in at the same time.

#2 Reduce Stress

There’s just something about getting outside in the fresh air that does the body good.

If you’re stressed out, instead of plopping down to watch TV, try getting outside for a brisk walk. Not only can walking help combat stress, it can also help improve your health at the same time.

The importance of stress reduction when managing your diabetes is very important.

#3 Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you consistently stick to your walking routine, you may be surprised to see yourself drop a few pant sizes!

Believe it or not, walking is a great way to help you maintain a healthy weight.

#4 Sleep Better

Sleep is such an important part of managing your diabetes and walking can help. Any exercise can help improve your sleep, and walking is no exception.

If you have difficulties sleeping, try walking earlier on in the day as any exercise in the evening hours can actually give you a boost of energy and inhibit sleep.

Get those walking shoes on! No one says you have to walk five miles per day. You can even start with half a mile per day and work your way up.

Pick a starting point and set a goal for how many miles you want to walk per week. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start moving your body.